Hey Dudes, you’re gramer and spelling sux.

4 Aug

     …And this is not cool. Maybe it’s just moi, but a little spelling and proper grammar can go a LONG way. Putting effort into using spell-check (don’t be ashamed, we all use it at one point of another).  Acknowledging proper nouns (i.e. capitalization), correct punctuation, making sure all tenses match and (one of my personal pet peeves) using contractions and homophones correctly (to/too/two, their/there, your/you’re) can really help you in life in general, NOT just online dating or social networking in general. The same way a smart and sassy lady might look at an abundance of errors and scoff so will a coworker, a superior, a blog reader – heck, your own momma! Taking the time to also ensure that your messages are well-written also shows your audience that you care about how you communicate and thus you may have a better chance of being taken seriously (unless the content in your well written message is stupid, well then I can’t help you).

      Granted, we’re not all grammar professors, I know I’ve probably made 10+ errors in this blog post alone, but doing things like having people proofread things or using Google don’t hurt. I often times compare dating to job hunting. Do you take the time to get to know a company before applying? Do you tailor your cover letter to a particular role so that you stand out more? Do you edit and keep your resume fresh and current throughout the job search process? If not, then you should. No job is standard and likewise no lady or gent is the same, there’s no such thing as a universal cover letter or online dating introduction.

     This rant stems from the plethora of messages I get saying things like, “Your pretty”, “I like karaoke to” and “I also like (band name here), their on tour this summer!” – maybe I’m a bitch, but I think if you pride yourself on having an impressive command of the English language (as probably 99% of the people who make these errors in the social networking-sphere do), then these are simple little tips we should have all had a grasp on somewhere in between 6th-8th grade…let’s not even get started with tHiS sH!T. tHaT’s A HoLe OtHer StoRy!!!!!111111k. Thankfully I’m not 14 years old and I don’t get too many of those ;-). In conclusion, ladies and germs, let’s get our shit together and not give people a reason to ding us just because we can’t spell or write. These skills are golden and self-improvement is always a plus.

P.S. I am the “run-on sentence” queen. Not in my job, but probably on this blog and especially verbally. Yep.

xx3 Lovalie

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